Web Development

New website

Had a little fun with GatsbyJS and React.

December 2012 ยท 1 min read

I've recently been playing around with GatsbyJS, a React-based framework and static site generator. It's intuitive and robust and very much extensible. I also made the transition from a Jekyll-based static website hosted on GitHub Pages to deploying to Netlify, and have enjoyed that process as well. Netlify comes with some nice things like form integration, CMS integration, branch deploys, and more.

The learning curve is a bit more daunting but every bit worth it in the end I've found. I've integrated NetlifyCMS with MDX components (basically Markdown documents with the ability to interpret JSX) into this website in hopes of writing more and publishing content without having to go through the terminal.

Hope to get more content up soon (and see you soon). For now, please enjoy this cheeky random quote based on the unix fortune program generated from this API. Yeah, you can do that with MDX.

love, Stephen